All Souls Center Opens In Richmond

Faith Grieger, master hypnotherapist
Faith Grieger, a master hypnotherapist, has opened the All Souls Center in the Hill Davis Building, 3500 Kensington Avenue, Suite E-2. Clients in Central Virginia can now receive advanced spiritual regression processes.
Grieger is trained and certified through the internationally known Newton Institute, founded by Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, and the Institute For Quantum Consciousness, founded by Peter Smith, president of the Newton Institute and well-known Australian speaker, teacher, trainer and author.
Relocating from Asheville, North Carolina, Grieger offers an array of sessions for clients to choose from, including Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives and Quantum Consciousness, which allows them to explore their own soul’s journey through the ages, bringing powerful new insights on the present.
For more information, call 828-674-8928 or visit