Business Listing Setup Instructions
1. Start by creating your free online account CLICK HERE for a direct link.

· Click Create an Account
Note: If your computer has memorized your password from our old site, you will need to create a NEW account. The old password will not work.

· Enter your email, name and password, and check the “I'm not a robot” box and complete the Captcha photos that pop up.

· You will see this message at the top of the page.

You must CONFIRM your email and activate your account. Please visit your email inbox and find the email from Natural Awakenings Richmond.
· Click the “Confirm my account” blue link in the email.

· The link will return you back to the sign-in page. Login with your email and password. Continue to Step 2.
If you do not receive the confirmation email, check your junk/spam folder. If you still do not see it: 1) return to the website 2) click Login/Join 3) click “Didn’t receive confirmation instructions?” Then enter your email and click the green resend button.

2. Once logged in, start by “Claiming” your business.
· Click on Online Directory at the top of the page. All advertisers and regular event submitters have been entered in our directory.
· Under “Find the Best Local Businesses” enter your business name in the search box and click magnifying glass icon to search.

· When your business appears, click on the blue name (link). This takes you to your listing with basic information.

· Scroll down and on the left side of the page, click the blue “Claim this Listing” box.

NOTE: If you do not see the blue button, please email [email protected] or call Regina at 804-495-0325. If your listing is already a featured listing, we just need to ‘un-feature’ your listing momentarily while you claim it.
· Next click on “Claim this listing for free” and your listing will display.
· You will be taken to your Business Basics page. This is your hub to edit your listing, upload photos, create coupons and more. Edit your business information as desired and Save.

4. When done, click Save.