Rich Soil Exhibit
Feb 01, 2025 12:00AM ● By Catherine Atienza
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden is the exclusive Richmond exhibitor for artist Kristine Mays’ sculpture series Rich Soil from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through March 9, comprising 29 life-size sculptures presented in seven groupings throughout the Garden. Inspired by the movements of Alvin Ailey’s dance
composition Revelation, this body of work pays honor to the ancestors that walked, lived and tended to this land—both to the lives that have been recognized and those that have been forgotten.
She states, “Sculpted from thousands of pieces of wire hooked and looped together, each figure embodies a fleeting gesture or expression that delivers a message of strength, while challenging how we view ourselves and others—an invisible occupant, revealed through the sculpted folds and wrinkles of a garment or the shapes that come together to create the human form. The sculptures look fragile and soft, and yet are solid and strong, reminiscent of a foundation of sorts. The work speaks to identify—the question of who we are and what we can do with our lives—the impact our lives have on the world.”
The exhibit is included with Garden admission; free for members. Location: 1800 Lakeside Ave., Richmond. For more information, call 804-262-9887 or visit